I thought of posting a question that I answered in Microsoft Q&A Many customers were struggling to containerize .NET Web Api project in […]
Deploy sample web application in kuberenetes cluster in Azure Please refer my previous post on Install Kubernetes cluster on CentOS 8 in order […]
Install Kubernetes cluster on Azure CentOS 8 Virtual Machine You may find different refences in web on this topic. Please find the steps […]
The error looks as follows PS C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLI> docker push 148488018616.dkr.ecr.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/strapi The push refers to repository [148488018616.dkr.ecr.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/strapi] e79f2bc7044f: Preparing d202f303fbc3: Preparing ae61a0f678a1: Preparing […]
Setup EC2 instance I suggest you to select latest Amazon Linux AMI and use default settings to create a new Linux EC2 instance […]
GENERAL docker –version docker image ls docker container ls docker run –interactive –tty ubuntu bash docker container ls –all Kill running containers: docker […]
Same problemi. Hope if someone can get us to the right direction